Whenever you have a few minutes or at night, it’s a very light, easy that doesn’t take a lot of brainpower to review your own flashcards at night. And so you have your personal areas that you struggle with written in explanations that you’ve come up with in your own words.Īnd it’s the perfect study tool to use on the go. Write yourself a flashcard in your own words and later you, those automatically sync with the app. That way you can keep a tab open as you have your review course open as you sit there and study.Īnd when you come to one of these weak areas of yours, you can just quickly go to that tab where the flashcard software is open. But what I would recommend is that you do it on a digital flashcard service, something like Quizlet or BrainScape. Now, some people really like to make the physical flashcards and the standard flashcard that you’ve used probably in elementary school. Making Flashcards for Topics You Struggle WithĪnd at that point part three of the strategy is to write down the explanation that you came up with that makes sense to you in your own words, you write that down in a flashcard for yourself. You sit there and you explain things back to yourself until you understand them in your own words. The explaining it back to yourself is crucial, but also it’s crucial that you do it out loud.